Learn To Play Four Guitar Riffs by The White Stripes


Yesterday (July 9th) was White Stripes frontman Jack White’s 46th birthday, and what better way to celebrate than to learn four of his greatest guitar riffs.

If there is one thing Jack does well, it is write a cool riff and they don’t get much cooler than these four riffs. So grab your guitar, tune-up, and let’s get started…

1: Seven Nation Army

Seven Nation Army is a great riff for students who are just starting to get going with movable power chords. If you have not come across power chords before, they are a great chord type because you only need to know one chord shape, which you then move around the guitar neck to play in different keys.

2: Fell In Love With A Girl

This riff consists of just four chords, but the problem is one of those chords is a barre chord. 😱

If you have not come across Barre chords yet, they are a type of chord where you need to hold down more than one string with a single finger, making them NOT a beginner chord. That said, this is a good riff to start using Barre chords as it only has one in it. Watch out for the speed, though, as the song is 192 bpm—one to start slow and build up the speed with a metronome.


Beginner Guitar Academy members click the button below to download the TAB for the riffs (you need to be logged in first). If you are not an academy member click here to see what you are missing out on and sign up.

3: Icky Thump

Icky Thump is the most challenging of the four riffs. It uses single-note lines, slides, pull-offs, open power chords & closed power chords. Lots to sink your teeth into with this one.

Break the riff down into small chunks and slowly work your way through them. It will be worth it in the end, as it does sound cool. 😎 

4: Hardest Button To Button

Once you have got Seven Nation Army under your fingers, this is a great riff to take your power chords to the next level. Hardest Button To Button uses three finger power chords which are a common extension to the two-finger power chord shape introduced in Seven Nation Army. Rather than strummed, the chords are picked, which is excellent for developing your arpeggio playing and right-hand accuracy.


Beginner Guitar Academy members click the button below to download the TAB for the riffs (you need to be logged in first). If you are not an academy member click here to see what you are missing out on and sign up.
I hope you enjoyed these riffs and if you are looking for more from online guitar lessons check out our online guitar school Beginner Guitar Academy. Beginner Guitar Academy teaches you everything you need to know through online lessons and classes, teacher support and resources to help you improve everyday. 
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